Cognito Form Service

Cognito form service was implemented for the college in 2017. It allows for easy building and maintenance of forms for collecting public information. By using a snippet of code you can seamlessly host the form on your website. You can also host the form at Cognito, whichever you like!

Important appropriate usage note!

These forms can only be used to collect public information! Do not be fooled by the Cognito site information about handling private information and payments. We are not allowed to use these features, they have not been approved by the University.

It is also good practice to test your form before sending it out to the world.

What does the University consider public vs. private information?

Glad you asked, please review the policy appendix: Examples of Public, Private and Confidential Information in the University Policy Library.

You can also nerd out with this policy: Data Security Classifications by Type. A few more details and a lot less clear.

Feature highlights

  • Login with your UMN account!
    Simply use the Google login option, UMN accounts are Google accounts.
  • As an admin, make as many forms as you like!
  • Drag and drop interface creates responsive forms.
  • Custom email confirmations.
  • Thank you messaging appears on same page as form.
  • Clean HTML editor for content areas.
  • Style form directly or connect to your custom CSS.
  • Allow users to upload documents.
  • Save and resume forms.
  • Forms can stop accepting at a specific date and time.
  • Limit quantities, tickets, seats, etc. added August 2107.
  • Placeholder text added January 2018.

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