Wish you could just edit your profile page on your own? Well now you can with the People Tool!
If you have been directed to this page, your college profile page has probably been set up to receive information from the CEHD people tool and you are ready to edit your profile information.
A Few Things to Consider
All edits are available to the public immediately when you click the “save changes” button. Consider composing in a word processing program if you need time to work on wording.
Departments and centers may have a certain style of writing or commonly used language. Check with your communication lead for more information.
Your “Detail Information” page will open for editing!
Anatomy of the Detail Information Page
The Detail Information page is broken into tabbed sections, custom info, presentations, publications, and UofM info. Communication leads will also see a tags tab. Tips on each section follow.
Custom Info
By default profiles are active in the system, due to a leave of absence you may want to set the status to inactive or archive. Take care that you are setting this for your profiles, not a profile that happens to appear in your group but reports to a different unit for example.
active: profiles are available in feeds, can display on websites and search results.
inactive: the profile will no longer come up in any feeds or display on websites.
archive: same as inactive properties and the profile will also be removed from all department lists. Use the search page to locate a profile that has been archived.
Department Name
Overrides the assigned unit name from the data warehouse. You could enter a specific program area if that would be useful to display instead of the department name, or simply leave it blank. Also helpful when the University misspells your department name, yes this has happened in the past.
Meta Description (SEO)
About 155 characters for Google to display in the search results. You can let Google decide what to show, or you can use this field to curate content.
Show Personal Pronouns
Someone’s personal pronoun may be different than what others initially assume. Not everyone uses the binary pronouns “he” or “she.” The default is set to “prefer not to specify” and it is your decision to display this information. Please note: The option “none (name only)” means your name should be used instead of a pronoun, this is different than “prefer not to specify.” We followed University guidelines for this feature.
Working Title
The official title on your HR records probably isn’t that great. Use something that makes sense to people that will be contacting you.
Areas of Interest
One sentence to summarize your engagement with research or projects, think of students and colleagues as your audience.
Follow department or center protocol. Example: Ph.D., 2010, University of OregonJust press enter or return for a new line for each degree.
Office Hours
Keep it brief and to the point. Examples:
Mon, Wed, Thur 8am-noon Fridays I am in the library 2-5pm
Fall semester I am on a tight schedule please email for an appointment.
Curriculum Vitae Addr
These are loaded into the tool by your Communication Lead. If you have multiple CVs in the People Tool, just select the appropriate CV from the drop-down list.
Advising Statement
These are loaded into the tool by your Communication Lead. If you have multiple advising statements in the People Tool, just select the appropriate advising statement from the drop-down list.
Twitter name:
For your Twitter name if you would like to share on your page and in directory listings. Leave the @ out please.
Headshot Addr
This is set by your Communication Lead, he or she will work with you to set up an image you are happy with.
Web Page (SEO)
This is set by your Communication Lead. We are publishing this as canonical meta data, which teaches Google where profile page lives. Yes, we are feeding this information to Google!
Brief Research Bio
This used to be called brief bio, this content appears under the heading “Research” on profiles rendered on these sites; college, EdPsych, ICD, OLDP, and SSW.
This editor should automatically clean up text as it is pasted in, however if the text you have pasted looks a bit off, please try the “Paste as plain text” or “Paste from Word” button. It is important to have this text be free of colors and special fonts so it can be displayed error free on a wide range of pages.
The button to make a link to a web page, document or email.
The view source button is useful for troubleshooting display errors and advanced editing. Use with care.
Full Bio
Same editing tools as above. People typically write three paragraphs for the full bio. There is a limit of 8,000 characters, which is quite a lot, so keep in mind users will appreciate brevity and so will the system.
List publications individually using italics for the publication title. The rest of the formatting will automatically occur on your profile page.
To add a publication click the “add a new publication” button it will appear at the top of your publications.
To remove a publication click the “delete” button to the right of the publication you wish to remove.
Click the “resort publications” button to change the order of your publications.
Click and drag the “drag & move” button to the left of the publication you wish to re-order.
Drag your publication to the desired location and release.
Click “save changes” button to return to your page.
Same as the publications section above.
U of M Info – Name, phone, address
Your name settings are at the top of this section. The People Tool uses your preferred name from MyU, you can use the “show middle name” checkbox if you would like your middle name to appear on college profile pages. Please visit MyU to update your preferred name and allow 24 hours for the changes to appear in the People Tool.
If you would like to display only one name, please set that as your preferred last name in MyU, leave your middle name blank, and use an asterisk * for your first name. Both the People Tool and the University directory will skip the display for an asterisk leaving the last name to display as a single name.
Phone number and office address appear at the bottom of this section and it is University information pulled in from PeopleSoft. Your HR representative can assist with updating this information.
Click “save changes”
Don’t forget to click “save changes” after editing each section. If you do not want to save your changes, just close the browser!