Manage Your People

If you oversee the profiles for all the people in your area this page is for you! Based on feedback new features were added in March 2015 to make life a little easier. You can now add people manually, activate and inactivate profiles manually, and there are some interface enhancements to the list of people displayed the people tool.

Add People

You will need to know the internet id of the person you want to add, old timers call this the x500. On the top right of the page that lists your group of people you will find the “add people” button. Click it!

Enter the internet id and click verify, there are three possible outcomes.

The person is already in the system
Jackpot! You will see this message:


This person has already been added to the People application

But how do you see them? You wouldn’t be here if you could access the profile, right?

Use the people tool search feature to search for the name, when the name comes up you can edit the profile and add a tag for your group. They will now start showing in your list.

The person is at the University, but not in the system
Jackpot! You will see this message:


Ok - go ahead and add them

Click the “add new person” button, you will go right to the edit page for their profile. Edit away and save.

The person cannot be found
Bummer… You will see this message:


Error: person not found in U of M employee records

This could be because the person is listed as a student, not an employee. Or in the case of a new employee, does not have an employment record yet. Possibly you typed the internet id incorrectly, happens to all of us.

Active | Inactive | Archive

The people tool no longer drops profiles due to change in employment status! Sweet! This means when the time is right for a profile to come down it is up to us to make the profile inactive in the people tool.  There are two radio buttons on the profile edit page, below the U information and right before the information we add. Click inactive when appropriate, you are free to go back at anytime and active the profile again.

Archive is the same as inactive, except it also removes the profile from your list of people. Handy if you are certain they are not coming back.

If you used archive by accident, you can always search for the name to retrieve the profile, and then set either inactive or active.

Interface Enhancements

Here are the fun upgrades to your list of people page, yeah I said fun!

Tags pull down menu

Who is assigned to the tag “trouble makers?” Select the tag from the menu and the list will only display those matches. Sweet!

Inactive column

Wait, did I make a profile inactive? The word inactive will appear in this column and the corresponding person’s row.

Last updated column

Why go to a feed to look this up? You can now see it when you log in.
No date listed? That means nothing was ever done to the profile.

Tag numbers

Wherever tags are displayed in the editing interface, you will see the corresponding tag number for each tag.

Like this: Jeffreyology Advisors | 537

That means the tag named Jeffreyology Advisors is assigned the number 537, the tag number is how websites interact with the people tool to grab a collection, not the name.

Showing the tag number is to help folks that may only have a number from the website source code find the matching tag. Especially useful for new staff that inherited a set of tags from someone else.

Remember! You can change the name of a tag at anytime you wish, it will not change the tag number and thus will not disrupt the display on your website.
However, the tag names are available in the data that is sent from the people tool, make sure you aren’t displaying the tag name anywhere before editing.