
Logon to Siteimprove dashboard.

Siteimprove crawls live college websites and provides reports on suspected misspellings, broken links, accessibility issues, and other useful quality checks. This tool is a wonderful monitoring service for your websites.

Who has access?

The content strategist (that’s you) for each unit is set up as an administrator. You can then add users to the system as you see fit, or just automatically email reports to people. People do not need to be in the system to receive emailed reports.

Sign me up!

Contact Jeff for access or anyone else on the web team.

Issues we discovered

Yeah, there is always something that could be better. Here are some things we have stumbled on and what we are doing to resolve the issue.

Vimeo videos come up as broken.

We set the videos on Vimeo so they can only be embedded on pages. Because site improve caches pages on their domain: or, the videos will not play and return an error.

What to do.

  1. The videos can be set to play on the Siteimprove domains, this needs to be set for each video. Send a list of videos the and the student workers with their little fingers can add the domains to your videos.
    BUT! As Siteimprove load-balances and adds more domains to handle accounts those will have to be added to stop a false error.
  2. Ignore it. Vimeo has been a rock-solid performer and has better up-time than University servers.