Video – Vimeo

Updated: November 10, 2020

A college Vimeo account was started in March 2012 as an easy alternative to host and embed videos on college web sites. In November 2020 due to the success of the service and lack of comparable tools, the college account was upgraded allowing department communication leads administrative upload and management capacity in Vimeo.

The web team can assist with loading videos into Vimeo if you prefer. Just send an email to with the following information.

  1. Where is the video? A shared Google Drive works really well.
  2. Video settings, see adjust video setting below.
  3. Which folder should this video go into if known.
    (this is typically your department, like SSW or Kin)

Prepare to upload

Vimeo can upload videos directly from Google Drive, Dropbox, and a number of other applications which saves you the hassle of downloading and re-uploading. A big time saver if you are working from home or just want to be a good steward of bandwidth.

Adjust video settings

As the video starts uploading you can modify the settings.

Title: this is required, keep it brief and meaningful.

Description: a sentence or two describing the video, you can add links in the description.

Select a poster frame: you can upload an image or scroll through the video and find a suitable frame.

More settings are available and the well written Vimeo help section will guide you through the extra features.

Putting the video on your web page

When your video is ready on Vimeo. You can then take the following simple steps:

  1. Go to the college Vimeo page
  2. Play your video
  3. Click the share icon, top right corner
  4. Copy the embed code
  5. Paste in your web page

That’s it! Using the customized embed options at the bottom of the “share” dialogue box, you can set the display size for your video.

Putting the video on WordPress

Use the WordPress embed block in the editor for your page or post. Paste the Vimeo URL for your video in the block. Yeah, that’s it, done. Well, be sure to hit publish, so I guess that’s one more step.

Are the margins off?

The Vimeo video displays through an iframe element, which might not have proper attributes set in your CSS if the margins appear off. There are two ways to fix this:

First, the inline hack.

Add this into the iframe element in the source code:

Second, the CSS fix.

Add this to your external CSS:
iframe {margin-left:25px}

One of those should do the trick!