The Consortium for the Advancement of Underrepresented Student Engagement (CAUSE) is a partnership between six research universities developing and implementing enhanced community-based learning experiences within their academic programs to increase academic engagement and sense of belonging.
The programs being evaluated at the University of Minnesota, please click here:
- TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)
- University YMCA
- President’s Emerging Scholars (PES)
- Community of Engaged Scholars Program (CESP)
- Service-learning (SL)
Our higher education partners include:
The programs being evaluated at the University of Chicago at Illinois, please click here:
- Service-learning component: Honors College (HC)
- Urban Policy Fellowship Program at Institute for Public and Civic Engagement (UPPF)
- Community engagement component: Bachelor in urban studies from College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs (BAUS)
- La Casa student housing from The Resurrection Project
The programs being evaluated at the University of California Santa Cruz, please click here:
- Community-Based Action Research and Advocacy (CARA)
- College Nine/Ten Service-Learning Program
- Kresge Service-Learning Program
- Merrill College Service-Learning Program
The programs being evaluated at the University of Memphis, please click here: